MINI & Me shootings

June 24, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

MINI and Me Shootings

I have a true love for the MINI Cooper, and just like most of us I have a favorite. Give me a JWC (that's John Cooper Works) with a manual six speed, and I'm in heaven.  According to some the MINI Cooper was designed for you to make it yours, and personalize it to YOU. A few weeks ago I had my first experience with a MINI club here in WNC and I originated the "Drive by Shooting" ... you should have heard the response on the radios when I asked if I could do a drive by shooting! Why not have a little fun doing what you love?

That was a lot of fun, but what I love to do is photograph people. What better than to photograph their MINI's with them!

This MINI Cooper S which happens to be named Courtney Love because you have to name your car, and this one has lots of attitude!

2013 I think this driver also has an attitude, and who could blame her--- Have you driven a MINI Cooper? No, well then you'll never understand.

2013 Ok, so you don't want your photo with your MINI.... well I'm sure there's not many of you, but just in case I also photograph just your MINI.

This was taken around 1 a.m. after a drive through the Smoky Mountains

Photo taken on the Tail of the Dragon.... MINI Cooper's just love speed and curves.  Check out those curves!

At Fontana Lake!


What to wear for your MINI shooting?

These are professional photo sessions, and you should wear what reflects your personality. Match your MINI's personality. Like the above MINI and Me shooting, she wore a leather jacket that went perfect with the attitude of her car as well as herself. The choice is yours... and what you choose will affect the outcome of the session.

Want to schedule your private MINI and Me Shooting, just send me an email!

Mari Miller Photography

Sessions available on location


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